

Photo Galleries



Gallery Links

Site Mirrors

Reports and Stories


Welcome to!

This page is dedicated to the Canberra bushfire photos gathered from people and websites all over the world.
Please visit the acknowledgments page, let me know if you have photos on this site and haven't been acknowledged for them. If you have more photos, movies, or stories to add to the albums, please use the Contact page to let me know.

Last updated: 9th-Jan-2004 10:50pm AEDST

605 Images
4 Movies
3 Stories
29 Links to Other Galleries


Having been so long since that dreadful day, I believe it would be interesting to see some photos of how Canberra is recovering.

Please find a photo you recognise in the galleries, and take a photo from the same location and send it in! Please use the Contact page to let me know you have photos, and I will respond. This is the simplest way for me to keep my email address off the site and away from spam trawlers.

I have put some Webstats online, for those of you interested in more information about the visitors to the website, but please NOTE: The webstats are ONLY for the main pages of the website, they do not reflect which galleries, or movies, have been visited or are popular. Some statistics, such as the Referrer Report, and Operating System Report were only turned on a couple of days ago an do not reflect the 120,000 hits before the 3rd-Feb. The Webstats are located here.

Welcome to the new design website! I am continually updating and uploading new images, movie clips and stories, so please check back every now and then to see whats new!

I have uploaded most of the new images that I have prepared, and am working away on the new design for the website. When completed, the new look will have separate News, Galleries, Acknowledgements, Movies, and Links pages, as well as an addition - a Reports and Stories section, where you can tell your story of events from wherever you are, so people can have a better idea of what happened wherever you may have been.
Slowly but surely, it's coming together and the new website should be online in the next day or two, along with even more photos!

Still working on over a hundred new photos (amongst other things!) Sorry for the delay!

I am currently working on an update to the site, and considering a re-vamp of the main pages, to separate the news, photo galleries, acknowledgments and links to other websites.  Feedback would be appreciated if you have any ideas, just send through some feedback.

Datafast appear to have their webservers operational once again.

People may be experiencing difficulty viewing parts of the website. This is due to me re-designing certain parts of the site to make it easier and faster to update. The solution is simply to press CTRL-F5 on any page you are having trouble with, or empty your Temporary Internet Files.

Thanks to all the people who have sent in Photos and Website links for the site! Sorry if the site is a little slow, as I have received a great number of hits today alone (Over 6000 so far!) but please be patient. I am working on adding the photos sent to me to the Galleries, creating new galleries and I will update them as soon as I can (don't forget to hit Crtl-F5 to force your browser to download the page again to make sure you have the latest update).

People are Sending in response and links for their websites, which is great news! If anyone wishes for their Photo Galleries to be placed on the website as well, simply email me (remove the *nospam* from the link at the bottom of the screen) and let me know what your website is. If you are happy to do so, you can alternatively send me all your images and I will put them up on this website, and you will get recognition for your contribution.

If anyone receives any problems with accessing photos, links, or other, please email me and I will be sure to fix them asap!

Likewise, I am open to suggestions and would like to hear from you if you have any ideas on how I can make the site more functional and better looking!

You are visitor ...Since 20-01-2003
The Webstats do not reflect accesses to the Photo Albums or the images themselves.

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